John sent Jennifer a friend request on Instagram ( which he still says he's not sure how). We had mutual friends in common. Jennifer knew John was Darrel Lings best friend so she messaged him and said " Hey your friend John added me to IG, he's not like a creep is he? It's ok to accept?" Darrell assured me John was a good guy. Behind the scenes Darrell starting asking John if he was going to message me, and asking if I would meet John etc. Eventually John text me. They met one evening July of 2018 at John's house in Cookville. John was sitting outside by a fire after finishing a day shift early. As most of you know, John is not much of a talker. Long story short Jennifer left unsure if she'd see him again and John never thought he'd see Jennifer again. Funny how things work out- and Darrell takes all the credit LOL